Saturday, May 7, 2011

We have been tearing down walls, rearranging the house (again)... not an easy task with the children about.

Reading old newspapers from the walls has been interesting.

Kitchen in progress, total chaos.

  The plumber came today so we went up to New Denver for lunch & thrifting.
Ospery chimes!  I brought this home, the owner of the shop makes these, all different kinds of birds.   I asked her if she had her own studio, she said no, her teacher across the street lets her fire her pieces there...she had wondered what to do & remembered the old saying, "Do what is in front of you".... I loved this bit of info & took it home to think about.

Outside of her New Denver shop.

And other shops.

Can we make this chair JB?
Awhile back this soap made me fall for good soap, there is no turning back.

Fitting into our new car.

yellow glacier lily - erythronium grandiflorum


  1. I cant wait to see you guys!!!!!
    everyone is getting hugs that last at least a minute each!

  2. i just spent a whole afternoon looking through your entire blog... your life is so inspiring!

  3. Wish I could be there to help out during the renos
    - especially with the children!!

  4. your house looks so amazinggggg (+ that chair with 3 legs! definitely make more!)
